Just wrote up some quick thoughts on the Hydrogen (H2) economy for a friend, might as well post them here as well!
H2 Nuance:
different colors of H2 depending on the source
different end uses
which makes for varying chains of value
are you splitting water (electrolysis) GREEN
are you getting it from steam methane reforming w/out carbon capture, utilization, and storage (ccus) GRAY
are you getting it from steam methane reforming w/ ccus BLUE
are you getting it from methane pyrolysis w/ solid ccus TURQUOISE
and others (black, brown, yellow, pink, red, orange .. and whatever they come up with next)
notice most is currently mainly from fossil fuels and the colors are mainly attributed to various methods thereof
So, I have no idea where to start, more of a secular theme in my book
br. -john
p.s. there's a lesson in bureaucracy, etc. here